First of all an apology. I had promised to write about Scientology's negative aspects such as forced abortions, family disconnection, fake drug programs, etc, but it's such a large topic and it really needs a lot of time to write up due to a grounding in "Scientologeese". These will be posted on Tuesday August 24th.
But fear not, there is a Scientology post today!
Today's article is about the Tone Scale in Scientology. The reason I'm talking about the tone scale is because this is one of the premiere examples of how silly this "religion" is.
What is so hilarious is that the tone scale compares actions, feelings and thoughts as if they were somehow related. Here's a clue L Ron, they're not. But what's even better is that he assigns a numerical value to the numbers themselves. By what methodology do you determine that Action is 20 on the tone scale while Mild Interest is a 2.9. How do you determine these numbers? Oh right, I forgot, L Ron merely asserted that these were the values. He didn't actually have to prove why they actually were at the numbers they were.
Here's the Tone Scale in all it's idiotic glory!
So, let's say you're on your way to the tax office becuase you've had an audit and you owe the government $15,643 in back taxes. This will ruin you financially and you'll have to spend the next few years digging yourself out of a hole. No vacations, no going out, no nothing. You are at the grief stage, meaning you're 0.50 on the tone scale.
While you're driving, you get a call from the tax office saying that they had made a mistake and informed you about someone else's account. They apologize and say you don't have to come in. You're now cheerful, which woudl be described as 3.5.
To go from 0.5 to 3.5 you need to go through the feelings between. Because feelings are linear right? Not touching them all, but giving you an idea of what you'd go through.
From grief you'd hit numb, I assume in a mental state, so you'd feel nothing. A grey thought. Then, for some odd reason, you'd become terrified. After the terror passes you'd be in a state of despair. Because you know, not being in debt is such a horrible situation. Then you'd hit fear, because apparently it's still a frightening situation, just less so now. After that, you'd be anxious, because you know, who knows what will happen now that you're out of debt. Then you'd be covertly hostile. After that, you'd resent the tax man, but not say anything. Then you'd have no sypathy for your situation, odd because you were just filled with fear and terror. Now you'd resent the tax man and say so, to yourself of course, cause you're in your car.
Hate followed by anger would follow, probably towards the organization, which is normal I suppose. But then you'd have a pain somewhere in your body. No, this is not the same as saying "What a pain in the ass". That's expressed resentment that I listed already. Then you'd be hostile and antagonistic, which is far less of a bad feeling for the tax man overall. Then you'd think the whole process was monotonous and then you'd think it was boring. You'd become disinterested and then contented by the event. You'd then express mild interest about something you've had tons of feelings for already and then be cheerful.
And you'd all experience this in the brief moment that the tax representitive tells you that you're not in deep doo doo.
This post is intended as criticism of the "Tone Scale" represented in "The Scientology Handbook". As such it is exempted from Canadian Copyright Law due to the exemptions for Fair Dealing.
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