Tuesday, August 3, 2010

BONUS ARTICLE! The Myth and Religion of Mac

For those of you who don't know, I work in IT. It's my job to put PC's together, troubleshoot them, install software and generally ensure they're operating optimally.

Over the past few months, my department has become home to a few Macs.

Don't get me wrong. I don't have a problem with Mac. I have a problem with their owners. Because generally speaking, they're people who don't have freaking clue about computers and think they're "ahead of the curve" technology wise.

Here's some common myths about Macs that I'd like to dispel.

Macs are more reliable:
This is the worst of them all because it's obviously not true for anyone who has a bit of knowledge about computers. Macs are built with virtually the same components as PC's. They have the same guts. Therefore, they'll fail at about the same time. Macs are not more reliable. They're just shinier.

Macs are better at photo editing:
Bollocks. The Mac isn't better. The software is better. The problem is that most (if not all) successful Mac software is available for the PC. And has been for some time.

Macs have no viruses:
Lies. Macs DO have viruses. Apple only says they don't as a marketing ploy. Don't get me wrong, PC's have FAR MORE viruses, but that's not because of design, but rather number of users. Think about it. If you're a hacker and want to steal credit cards, who are you going to target? PC's who are approximately 87% of the computers in homes or Macs which are 13%? It's not really a hard choice.

Macs are faster:
Nonsense. Macs are not faster then PC's. The reason behind this is the video game market, which until recently Mac was excluded from. It's games that generate new video cards, faster processors and the drive for more ram. Put a top of the line PC against the best Mac has in personal computers and there isn't a contest. You might as well put a VW Bug (shiny and cute) up against a Bugatti Veyron.

What you wish your Mac was...

Macs Crash Less:
This may actually be true, to a degree, but it's not a fair comparison. Macs are a closed environment for the most part, meaning that the only let things in that have been approved by Apple. This isn't the case for PC's. PC's have to handle everything that's thrown at them. So, PC's crash more due to the nature of the situation it's in. But I'll tell you what, I like being able to choose what software I can use.

Basically, if you like flushing away an extra $1000 for a PC you could have built yourself, buy a Mac. But don't fool yourself. To anyone who has a clue and hasn't fallen in love with Macs, we see you as a person with too much money. Which isn't a bad thing. :)

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