Going to get right into it today as this is a fairly major topic. The bible, more specifically the old testament. As I say it I can quite literally hear the Christians groan. Why? Because it's been my experience that Christians on the whole HATE the old testament. And rightly so.
The reason being, in my humble opinion, is that evidently the work of cave dwelling, dirt farming men. From Exodus to the story of Job, it's filled with episodes of God acting rather odd for someone with an IQ of 8,000,000.
But that's besides the point, well, sort of. Christians, as well as many other theists, take their holy scripture on faith. That is to say, they believe it's true without any evidence to show that it is. Fine, I can accept that.
What I have a problem with is intellectual dishonesty, especially to one's self.
Let me give you an example. Let's say I give you a science book and say to you "This book is filled with nothing but facts and the conclusions based on those facts. It's been proof read by professors at the head of their fields multiple times. It is absolute and perfect."
So you take the book and start to read. The first few pages are a little obscure and you're not sure of them, but you defer to the professors and assume it's true. How are you to know. Then you hit a part where it says "The chemical equation for water is K2SO4." You assume it's a typo, however every entry in the book refers to water as being potassium sulfate. This clearly isn't a typo.
With a mistake in the book, I would assume most people would immediately question what they previously read, either disregarding it or do a bit of research to verify the information.
Keep that in mind for a moment.
For a while now I've been watching youtube and specifically a person by the user name of DonExodus2. He has put out some great videos explaning many aspects of biology in simple terms so that people can gain a base level of scientific knowledge. However, he also is an atheist and has put out an interesting video talking about Noah's Ark and Cheetahs. Odd I know, but the video explains his point.
After you watch the video, the contradiction becomes clear. If there really was Noah's Ark, why don't all animals show the same lack of genetic variance as the cheetah. If you say God gave the animals the required variance to survive, then the obvious question is why did he specifically exclude the cheetah?
In my opinion, this is no different then the science book listed above. What can be observed and what is known directly contradicts what has been written in the bible. The question is, do you ask questions and try to verify other items in the bible, or do you disown the problem and ignore it?
PS: Don't get me wrong, I totally understand and accept the viewpoint of "Despite it's problems, I believe the bible is the most accurate accounting of God to date." :)
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