Friday, July 23, 2010

I'm feeling blue about blue laws...

A blue law is a law which has been passed for religious reasons. Thankfully, us up here in Canada have mostly done away with blue laws (there are a few remaining if you look hard enough), but that's not the point of this post.

I own land down in the good old USA, more specifically in New York state. It's a nice big plot of land (about 80 acres) with a pond.

Anyways, a few years ago it was illegal to purchase alcohol before noon on a Sunday. However, Monday through Saturday you could buy as early as 8:00am? For what reason could this have been enacted? That's right, it's a blue law.

How clearly un-american. And that's coming from a Canadian.

The most evident violation of the first amendment in the USA.

Now, if it was left at not being able to be half trashed at 8:08 after powerchugging a 24 of watered down american beer and a bit of writing on their bills, I wouldn't mind too much. But we all know that's not where it stops.

To see the excessive nature of blue laws we head to my favourite state. Texas. Although Florida is a close second. :)

A few weeks ago the Texas Republican party decided it'd be a neato idea to make it a felony to issue a marriage licesnse to a gay couple. And oppose the legalization of sodomy.

These are clearly religious positions and clearly against the first amendment.

From their statement:

We support legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for such.

We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.

Just to re-iterate, the republican party would want to see someone who married a gay couple serve manditory jail time for doing so. Not only that, if they were caught three times, they'd serve the rest of their natural life in jail. Disproportionate? You bet. But what do you expect from people who expect others to burn for eternity for having buttsex on a lazy friday afternoon.

But they're not just against homosexual relationships. Heterosexual relationships would be illegal too. They're opposed to sodomy, which translates into oral sex for husbands and wives. That's right, they're telling you that you can't have trips downtown and/or can't enjoy an old fashioned slobberpole.

My question is this. Why is this nonsense allowed to occur? How can a reasonable intelligent adult rationalize such an action?

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