Friday, July 30, 2010
Know your Faith: Creationism
Many people ask me what my problem with extreme faith is. My answer is really quite simple.
Extreme faith leads people to assume things are right or wrong based on what is written in a book that has never been proven to be accurate. Many people claim it is the perfect word of God. Those people are generally called creationists.
Now, if we look at the bible, we can see that it's far from perfect. For example, let's look at Leviticus 11:13-19 which claims that bats are birds. We know that bats are not birds, because they're warm blooded, don't have feathers and don't have avian skulls.
So, do these people admit there's a mistake in the Bible? Of course not.
There is a website called "Answers in Genesis" which tries to give biblical accounts for what we see in the world today. By doing this, they hope to lend credibility to the bible. And I don't disagree with their goal. I know if I was trying to prove the Bible true, my first thought would be to see what the bible has accurately portrayed. Because if a large percentage of the bible is true and does accurately reflect the world we see, it may be worthwhile to read and consider honestly.
However, their own statement of faith shows their complete and total lack of intellectual honesty on the matter. And after a statement like this, it's hard to take anything they say seriously...
Wasn't the bible written by fallible people who didn't possess all information?
So, they have already decided that the Holy Bible is the sole authority and no amount of real world evidence will convince them. To them, bats are in fact birds. To them, Noah really did take every single animal into his ark, regardless of those animals being thousands of miles away. And of course, ignoring special diets those animals would have and let's not even get started on the inbreeding.
But in all honesty, if it was just a bunch of nutters believing in anything simply because they're told that it's true, I'd be ok with that. However, they're determined to have it presented in school! And what's worse, they want it in SCIENCE class.
That's right. Not only do they want us to disregard the first amendment (see my Blue Laws post), they also want us to put the stories from their bible on the same level as scientific principals.
Luckily for us, there are people brave enough to keep nonsense like this in check. You can google "Kitzmiller v. Dover", where an individual sued the Dover school board for bringing in creationism. Not only did the judge find it violated the first amendment, but he also found that it had no basis in science and was in fact a dogmatic faith.
What are your thoughts on others shoving their faith down your throat? What's your position on people who use the bible as reference for their decisions on stem cell research or something as basic as condoms?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Noah's Ark and the Cheetah
Going to get right into it today as this is a fairly major topic. The bible, more specifically the old testament. As I say it I can quite literally hear the Christians groan. Why? Because it's been my experience that Christians on the whole HATE the old testament. And rightly so.
The reason being, in my humble opinion, is that evidently the work of cave dwelling, dirt farming men. From Exodus to the story of Job, it's filled with episodes of God acting rather odd for someone with an IQ of 8,000,000.
But that's besides the point, well, sort of. Christians, as well as many other theists, take their holy scripture on faith. That is to say, they believe it's true without any evidence to show that it is. Fine, I can accept that.
What I have a problem with is intellectual dishonesty, especially to one's self.
Let me give you an example. Let's say I give you a science book and say to you "This book is filled with nothing but facts and the conclusions based on those facts. It's been proof read by professors at the head of their fields multiple times. It is absolute and perfect."
So you take the book and start to read. The first few pages are a little obscure and you're not sure of them, but you defer to the professors and assume it's true. How are you to know. Then you hit a part where it says "The chemical equation for water is K2SO4." You assume it's a typo, however every entry in the book refers to water as being potassium sulfate. This clearly isn't a typo.
With a mistake in the book, I would assume most people would immediately question what they previously read, either disregarding it or do a bit of research to verify the information.
Keep that in mind for a moment.
For a while now I've been watching youtube and specifically a person by the user name of DonExodus2. He has put out some great videos explaning many aspects of biology in simple terms so that people can gain a base level of scientific knowledge. However, he also is an atheist and has put out an interesting video talking about Noah's Ark and Cheetahs. Odd I know, but the video explains his point.
After you watch the video, the contradiction becomes clear. If there really was Noah's Ark, why don't all animals show the same lack of genetic variance as the cheetah. If you say God gave the animals the required variance to survive, then the obvious question is why did he specifically exclude the cheetah?
In my opinion, this is no different then the science book listed above. What can be observed and what is known directly contradicts what has been written in the bible. The question is, do you ask questions and try to verify other items in the bible, or do you disown the problem and ignore it?
PS: Don't get me wrong, I totally understand and accept the viewpoint of "Despite it's problems, I believe the bible is the most accurate accounting of God to date." :)
The reason being, in my humble opinion, is that evidently the work of cave dwelling, dirt farming men. From Exodus to the story of Job, it's filled with episodes of God acting rather odd for someone with an IQ of 8,000,000.
But that's besides the point, well, sort of. Christians, as well as many other theists, take their holy scripture on faith. That is to say, they believe it's true without any evidence to show that it is. Fine, I can accept that.
What I have a problem with is intellectual dishonesty, especially to one's self.
Let me give you an example. Let's say I give you a science book and say to you "This book is filled with nothing but facts and the conclusions based on those facts. It's been proof read by professors at the head of their fields multiple times. It is absolute and perfect."
So you take the book and start to read. The first few pages are a little obscure and you're not sure of them, but you defer to the professors and assume it's true. How are you to know. Then you hit a part where it says "The chemical equation for water is K2SO4." You assume it's a typo, however every entry in the book refers to water as being potassium sulfate. This clearly isn't a typo.
With a mistake in the book, I would assume most people would immediately question what they previously read, either disregarding it or do a bit of research to verify the information.
Keep that in mind for a moment.
For a while now I've been watching youtube and specifically a person by the user name of DonExodus2. He has put out some great videos explaning many aspects of biology in simple terms so that people can gain a base level of scientific knowledge. However, he also is an atheist and has put out an interesting video talking about Noah's Ark and Cheetahs. Odd I know, but the video explains his point.
After you watch the video, the contradiction becomes clear. If there really was Noah's Ark, why don't all animals show the same lack of genetic variance as the cheetah. If you say God gave the animals the required variance to survive, then the obvious question is why did he specifically exclude the cheetah?
In my opinion, this is no different then the science book listed above. What can be observed and what is known directly contradicts what has been written in the bible. The question is, do you ask questions and try to verify other items in the bible, or do you disown the problem and ignore it?
PS: Don't get me wrong, I totally understand and accept the viewpoint of "Despite it's problems, I believe the bible is the most accurate accounting of God to date." :)
Friday, July 23, 2010
I'm feeling blue about blue laws...
A blue law is a law which has been passed for religious reasons. Thankfully, us up here in Canada have mostly done away with blue laws (there are a few remaining if you look hard enough), but that's not the point of this post.
I own land down in the good old USA, more specifically in New York state. It's a nice big plot of land (about 80 acres) with a pond.
Anyways, a few years ago it was illegal to purchase alcohol before noon on a Sunday. However, Monday through Saturday you could buy as early as 8:00am? For what reason could this have been enacted? That's right, it's a blue law.
How clearly un-american. And that's coming from a Canadian.
The most evident violation of the first amendment in the USA.
Now, if it was left at not being able to be half trashed at 8:08 after powerchugging a 24 of watered down american beer and a bit of writing on their bills, I wouldn't mind too much. But we all know that's not where it stops.
To see the excessive nature of blue laws we head to my favourite state. Texas. Although Florida is a close second. :)
A few weeks ago the Texas Republican party decided it'd be a neato idea to make it a felony to issue a marriage licesnse to a gay couple. And oppose the legalization of sodomy.
These are clearly religious positions and clearly against the first amendment.
From their statement:
We support legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for such.
We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.
Just to re-iterate, the republican party would want to see someone who married a gay couple serve manditory jail time for doing so. Not only that, if they were caught three times, they'd serve the rest of their natural life in jail. Disproportionate? You bet. But what do you expect from people who expect others to burn for eternity for having buttsex on a lazy friday afternoon.
But they're not just against homosexual relationships. Heterosexual relationships would be illegal too. They're opposed to sodomy, which translates into oral sex for husbands and wives. That's right, they're telling you that you can't have trips downtown and/or can't enjoy an old fashioned slobberpole.
My question is this. Why is this nonsense allowed to occur? How can a reasonable intelligent adult rationalize such an action?
I own land down in the good old USA, more specifically in New York state. It's a nice big plot of land (about 80 acres) with a pond.
Anyways, a few years ago it was illegal to purchase alcohol before noon on a Sunday. However, Monday through Saturday you could buy as early as 8:00am? For what reason could this have been enacted? That's right, it's a blue law.
How clearly un-american. And that's coming from a Canadian.
The most evident violation of the first amendment in the USA.
Now, if it was left at not being able to be half trashed at 8:08 after powerchugging a 24 of watered down american beer and a bit of writing on their bills, I wouldn't mind too much. But we all know that's not where it stops.
To see the excessive nature of blue laws we head to my favourite state. Texas. Although Florida is a close second. :)
A few weeks ago the Texas Republican party decided it'd be a neato idea to make it a felony to issue a marriage licesnse to a gay couple. And oppose the legalization of sodomy.
These are clearly religious positions and clearly against the first amendment.
From their statement:
We support legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for such.
We oppose the legalization of sodomy. We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.
Just to re-iterate, the republican party would want to see someone who married a gay couple serve manditory jail time for doing so. Not only that, if they were caught three times, they'd serve the rest of their natural life in jail. Disproportionate? You bet. But what do you expect from people who expect others to burn for eternity for having buttsex on a lazy friday afternoon.
But they're not just against homosexual relationships. Heterosexual relationships would be illegal too. They're opposed to sodomy, which translates into oral sex for husbands and wives. That's right, they're telling you that you can't have trips downtown and/or can't enjoy an old fashioned slobberpole.
My question is this. Why is this nonsense allowed to occur? How can a reasonable intelligent adult rationalize such an action?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Inspired by Allah?
Let it not be said that I don't only target Christians. In today's entry I'll be talking about the more a few verses in the Quran. These are the english translations, and as I've been told, they lose some of their meaning. Even if the translations were off a bit, it's hard to claim these are divinely inspired.
Bukhari: V1B4N163
"The Prophet said, 'Whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do it with an odd number of stones. And whoever wakes up should wash his hands before putting them in the water for ablution. Nobody knows where his hands were during sleep.'"
"I heard the Prophet saying, 'If anyone of you dreams something he dislikes, when you get up, blow thrice on your left.'"
This leads me to the subject of my post today. There are many people who believe these things to not only be true, but the divine will of Allah or God. You can find entries like these in the Bible, Quran and pretty much any other holy book.
And yet many of these people are respected leaders of their community and dispense advice about family matters, what the neighbourhood should be doing and what our attitudes to things like condoms and pork products should be.
Why is this? Why are these people's thoughts respected because of their source? Shouldn't their ideas be lauded and accepted based on the merits they have?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Religious Sensitivity
One thing that bothers me is the claim that atheists are not sensitive to the beliefs of theists. And while I do freely admit that many athesits are coarse and unforgiving, I think that part of the problems lies with the thesists as well.
It's been my experience that generally speaking, theists don't enjoy having their faith questioned. Unfortunately, this is the only way you can intelligently talk about their faith. So from the get go it's an adversarial situation, not in the mind of the atheist but rather in the mind of the theist. I swear, I'm trying not to typecast people.
Let's take the story of Elijah. I'll summarize, but you can find the story in 4th Book of Kings, Chapter 2:23-2:24
Elijah was a wise man and knew god. And he was as bald as a cue ball.
As he was walking one day, a gang of young children came up to him and started to mock him. Calling him bald head among other things.
However, Elijah was not to be mocked and he turned and cursed their name to God. Suddenly, two female bears popped out of the woods and killed all 42 children who were mocking him.
So, this is a pretty awful story. It's hard to justify killing 42 people simply because they called a wise man bald. So, if we're talking about this story, how can I refer to God's actions without drawing offense?
How would you handle talking about a touchy subject with someone of faith?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
How would you choose?
Had an interesting thought today. Going to phrase this question in the form of a story.
Let's say you're an atheist and grew up in an atheist household, you have never really known God and you really don't have any knowledge of any religion. You're walking down the street and the clouds break.
Before you stands God. You know it's God and he says to you "Worship me, my son." Then he disappears and the clouds close up.
You find yourself on a street. On the left hand side is "The Church of Man's Last Hope". On the right, "The Church of the Last Hope for Man." Both have similar tenents, with some slight changes, however, both claim the other is wrong.
Given that you know a God exists, how do you intelligently figure out which church you should attend?
Friday, July 9, 2010
Why I'm not Religious...
Coming from a Roman Catholic family, I am often asked why I'm an atheist. And it's a fairly easy question to answer.
Let me pose you a question. Let's say we're discussing invisible dragons who breathe fire. These magical dragons are self concious though, so to look cool they made themselves an extra set of muscular human arms. You know, to be all bad ass and stuff.
Below is the invisible dragon if you could in fact see invisible things.
I then tell you that I don't have any real life evidence for this dragon, only my personal feelings. Regardless of what you thought of me, you'd have to take on of two positions.
1. You would reject the notion of this invisible dragon until it has been proven to exist.
2. You accept the notion until it is proven that it does not exist.
Putting aside the obvious flaw that you cannot prove something doesn't exist, think about it for a moment. If you adopt 2, you place yourself in the position of having conflicting viewpoints.
For example, if I tell you "Christianity is the true religion", you would have to accept it until it's proven to not be the case. If then you heard from someone else "Islam is the true religion" you'd have to do the same. And at that point you'd have two viewpoints that you have to accept that have not been proven wrong. That's simply not valid.
That's why 1 is your only real option. It's the logical default for all claims. That is why I'm an atheist. I cannot accept things without evidence because that's the only way you can intelligently operate in the world.
This is why atheism isn't a faith as well. It's a logical rejection of theistic claims made without sufficient evidence.
Let me pose you a question. Let's say we're discussing invisible dragons who breathe fire. These magical dragons are self concious though, so to look cool they made themselves an extra set of muscular human arms. You know, to be all bad ass and stuff.
Below is the invisible dragon if you could in fact see invisible things.
I then tell you that I don't have any real life evidence for this dragon, only my personal feelings. Regardless of what you thought of me, you'd have to take on of two positions.
1. You would reject the notion of this invisible dragon until it has been proven to exist.
2. You accept the notion until it is proven that it does not exist.
Putting aside the obvious flaw that you cannot prove something doesn't exist, think about it for a moment. If you adopt 2, you place yourself in the position of having conflicting viewpoints.
For example, if I tell you "Christianity is the true religion", you would have to accept it until it's proven to not be the case. If then you heard from someone else "Islam is the true religion" you'd have to do the same. And at that point you'd have two viewpoints that you have to accept that have not been proven wrong. That's simply not valid.
That's why 1 is your only real option. It's the logical default for all claims. That is why I'm an atheist. I cannot accept things without evidence because that's the only way you can intelligently operate in the world.
This is why atheism isn't a faith as well. It's a logical rejection of theistic claims made without sufficient evidence.
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