Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Inspired by Allah?

Let it not be said that I don't only target Christians. In today's entry I'll be talking about the more a few verses in the Quran. These are the english translations, and as I've been told, they lose some of their meaning. Even if the translations were off a bit, it's hard to claim these are divinely inspired.

Bukhari: V1B4N163
"The Prophet said, 'Whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do it with an odd number of stones. And whoever wakes up should wash his hands before putting them in the water for ablution. Nobody knows where his hands were during sleep.'"

"I heard the Prophet saying, 'If anyone of you dreams something he dislikes, when you get up, blow thrice on your left.'"

This leads me to the subject of my post today. There are many people who believe these things to not only be true, but the divine will of Allah or God. You can find entries like these in the Bible, Quran and pretty much any other holy book.

And yet many of these people are respected leaders of their community and dispense advice about family matters, what the neighbourhood should be doing and what our attitudes to things like condoms and pork products should be.

Why is this? Why are these people's thoughts respected because of their source? Shouldn't their ideas be lauded and accepted based on the merits they have?

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